Riverside Pride is hosting our 2nd Annual NBTX Pride June 11th, 2022, at the Comal County Fair Grounds! Being able to host Pride at the fairgrounds allows more space for vendors, entertainment, food, games and much more! We have A LOT planned for Pride and would love to have your continued support as a vendor this year. Whether you want to sell your items, provide information about your business/company, or provide an activity/game at your booth, we would be thrilled to have you there!
If you are interested in being a vendor, please fill out the form to the right. Plan to block off that entire day for the event. Detailed information will be sent closer to the event regarding set up and break down instructions.
You can pay by Venmo @riverside-pride or click the yellow "Donate" button.
In addition to a booth, if you are interested in being a Pride sponsor, please see our Sponsor Levels.
Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you this summer at Pride.